Friday, 30 November 2007

Instant access means you can easily venture

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Thursday, 29 November 2007

German court says students may rate teachers on Internet AFP via Yahoo News

de of violating her privacy a court spokesman said. The teacher had obtained a low rating of . points on the website using a scale in which one is the best mark and six the worst. It claims to have more than young contributors. com Refinance for Only Month Mortgage for only month. Save s No obligation. A German court ruled on Tuesday that students had the. com Offbeat News Get the latest news photos and video of the funky and weird. com Offbeat Digest Latest news on the strange quirky and just plain odd.


Another site recomended to review: eettuu11 ( )

Basically not much notable happening. I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. I haven't been up to anything today. What can I say? That's how it is.

Feel free to read: excus37 ( )

Wednesday, 28 November 2007


Behalve een leraar die tegen hem schreeuwde. Ze hadden vaak een goede reden. Het spijt me juffrouw zei Rick. Mijn pen is ontploft. Ik kon er niets aan doen. Dat zal wel waar zijn zei juffrouw Marks. Pennen ontploffen de hele tijd. Je moet mijn bureaulade eens zien als ik er een paar te lang in laat liggen. Ze zijn een gevaar die ontploffende pennen. Ik vraag me af waarom ze die blijven verkopen. Het is een mysterie knikte Rick. Juffrouw Marks plukte een stuk van de pen uit haar haar en legde het op Ricks bank. Met genoeg tijd misschien zei hij. Ik ben bang dat tijd van ons blijft wegglippen zei juffrouw Marks. Ik hoop dat je een reserve hebt Rick schudde langzaam zijn hoofd. Hij kan de mijne lenen zei een stem naast hem. Wat hem betrof bestond er op heel de wereld geen mooiere stem. Hij kwam ook als een complete verrassing. Bedankt voor je hulp Seph zei juffrouw Marks. Ik ben er zeker van dat meneer Pickles je heel dankbaar is. Net als de rest va! n de klas nu we terug naar het oude Griekenland kunnen gaan. Rick lachte naar Seph en nam haar pen aan. Hij was verrast dat het een vulpen was en geen balpen zoals de zijne. Weet je zeker dat ik deze mag gebruiken fluisterde hij. Doe maar fluisterde Seph terug. Wat een vergissing dacht Rick. Hij concentreerde zich weer op de geschiedenisles. Al snel verdwenen het Parthenon en de Acropolis uit zijn hoofd. Juffrouw Marks werd stil en hij dacht weer aan waarover hij aan het denken was voordat zijn pen ontplofte. Misschien was hij toch verantwoordelijk voor dat ongelukje. Hij had met de pen geprutst losgeschroefd de vulling eruit gehaald alles weer dicht gemaakt. Zonder het te weten had hij teveel spanning op de kleine metalen veer binnenin uitgeoefend tot het . ontplofte was er echt het beste woord voor. Dat kon geen toeval zijn. Die ochtend was Rick te laat op school gekomen. De bus gemist deze keer echt. Het was zijn schuld niet. Een zwervende vleermuis bots! te bijna tegen hem op onderweg naar de bushalte. Hij moest zich achte r een brievenbus verbergen. Gelukkig maakte juffrouw Marks er geen probleem van. Juffrouw Marks was n van de jongere leerkrachten de nieuwe generatie. Streng maar begripvol een heel belangrijke eigenschap. Door de bus te missen had hij ook de voorstelling van Seph gemist. Daarom wist hij niets van dit nieuwe meisje behalve haar voornaam. En dat ze aan de bank naast hem zat. Zeker en vast geen toeval. Rick leunde achteruit in zijn stoel. Seph zat netjes rechtop dus nu kon hij haar bekijken zonder op te vallen. Schouderlang haar van het puurste zwart dat hij ooit gezien had. Een licht gebruinde huid zo gaaf als van een pasgeboren baby. Nee dat klopte niet. Pasgeboren baby s waren helemaal bloederig. Alleen in films kwamen ze netjes afgespoeld uit de baarmoeder. Snel aan iets anders denken. Rick s ogen sperden zich open. Pickles riep juffrouw Marks. Totaal van slag staarde Rick naar het plafond van het klaslokaal. Hij voelde zijn hoofd rood worden. Het was z! ijn dagje niet. Stil jullie riep juffrouw Marks tegen de klas. Rick ben je ok Ze knielde bij hem neer en legde haar hand op zijn schouder. Ze noemde hem nooit bij zijn voornaam. Misschien zou ze hem toch niet buiten gooien. Ze was vast erger geschrokken dan hijzelf. Hij duwde zich recht en schudde hevig met zijn hoofd toen een pijnscheut door zijn rechterarm trok. Pickles je bent me er toch eentje. H hoe kent u onze familiespreuk kreunde Rick. Door elke dag met je door te brengen komt dat vanzelf lachte juffrouw Marks. Vooruit naar de ziekenboeg met jou. Ze keek de klas rond op zoek naar een vrijwilliger om hem te begeleiden. Seph stak haar hand omhoog. Ik breng hem wel juffrouw. Als juffrouw Marks hem niet nog steeds bij de arm had gehouden was hij vast weer zijn evenwicht verloren. Rick staarde het nieuwe meisje aan. Ze lachte naar hem. Hij keek snel naar de vloer. Aan zijn voeten lag de vulpen die Seph hem had geleend. De dagen voor Kerstmis . decembe! r Re nie . februari januari Maangekte . december Zeshonderd en acht .


Another site recomended to review: resak35 ( )

Monday, 26 November 2007

Whataposs left to motivate Ravens Not losing to winless Dolphins

That s horrifying enough. What comes two weeks after that though is even more horrifying. Can the Ravens win in Miami on Dec. They re that bad. Every week they find out how few teams are clearly worse than they are. Yesterday they proved that no matter how underachieving and disjointed the then . So no let s not delude ourselves. It won t be fun looking ahead to that. You could barely distinguish consecutive loss No. from the first four or even from the six games before that including the four wins. The Ravens couldn t hold onto the ball. They couldn t protect the quarterback. The offense got stuck in neutral or gave the defense short fields to defend. The defense buckled when it couldn t afford to and with this offense it never can afford to. Every chance the Ravens had to keep the game close they squandered. They dug another big halftime hole this time making it a combined during the skid. Same game different week. The truth is harder to swallow T! hey re just not good. So one game into the highly anticipated three game gauntlet the Ravens are grasping. That s all we can do. It s hard to believe we were last year. But that tells you you can t take winning for granted. You can still go out there and play hard for pride he said. Maybe go out there and mess up the Patriots screw their season up. Hey he added with a grim chuckle ours is already screwed up. Might as well screw up theirs. That s motivation for me. At this rate the motivation might be to avoid being the first victim of a winless team.


Another site recomended to review: transformers the movie ( )

Friday, 23 November 2007

Seasonaposs readings

Some books deserve the hype. But lots of good . Some books deserve the hype. But lots of good reads never get their well earned praise. I voted for you during your election Mao Tse tung said facetiously at their historic meeting. For the reader there s no pain at all. Doctorow and part A. The Abstinence Teacher St. Imagine Queen Elizabeth discovers the pleasures of reading at an advanced age. What a befuddlement for her subjects as she tries to engage them in literary conversation. Knopf is a refreshingly nuanced change of pace. Ian McEwan s novels hinge upon misunderstandings that result in consequences both unpleasant and unforeseen. Talese Doubleday follows this same trajectory. Both virgins Edward finds himself experiencing first time jitters while Florence is repulsed by thoughts of sexual intimacy. Martin s Press . The world of pure mathematics is hardly the most obvious terrain for a novel. Hardy a British academic who discovers a self taught ! mathematician in Madras. This young genius s story alas ends in tragedy. The book is set just before and during World War I a period of great ferment. There are certain dark phases in history that everyone ought to know about. The book is a lament and nearly a coping manual. Sometimes what is closest may also be rarest. Winston Churchill preoccupied by his writing and weakened by his support for Edward VIII stays in the background. A secretary tells the doctor There s an invisible man in the waiting room. The doctor replies Tell him I can t see him. Wise guys do wise men wonderfully. Message optional Disclaimer Boston.


Another site recomended to review: ufaf11 ( )

I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen, but it's not importan! t. I haven't gotten anything done today, not that it matters. I haven' t been up to anything , but eh. Pretty much nothing seems worth doing.

Feel free to read: furasat15 ( )

Monday, 19 November 2007

DNA technology to identify guilty dogs The West Australian

Experienced pilot Geoff Milne his wife Mathilde their son and his girlfriend were on board the plane. There are three bodies. Police are now on the scene at the moment and they will be coordinating the job she said. The impact of the crash appears to be non survivable. It was unrelated the beacon activation had nothing to do with the search. It came from a Sydney rubbish tip and was probably a personal locating device Ms Philip said. The Victorian coroner will investigate the cause of the crash. au West Australian Newspapers Limited .


Another site recomended to review: soundtrack music mp3 ( )

I've just been sitting around waiting for something to happen. My life's been really boring these days. I can't be bothered with anything , not that it matters. Such is life. I've just been letting everything wash over m! e these days. Not much on my mind right now, but maybe tomorrow.

Feel free to read: downloadable mp3 ( )

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Lost in the InternetAgain

At least I got out of the lease. This is much more promising even if this first installment is a little shaky. In any case this looks like a cool place to do it. stevo said November at pm Breaking the lease can be difficult but the neighborhood went to hell. You re better off in a new home. Welcome if you need help settling in let me know. tigereye said November at pm Hi Steve I like the new neighborhood better already. For one thing there are no zombies roaming the streets. bigcocky said November at pm Love the tiger. tigereye said November at pm Oh please. You love that name and you know it. I can t wait to see what image you put with it. Go to Discussions . Yours in BONGOid helpfulness. I wrote to feedback to beg my way out. Wurdz did you say wine . I could not register here as Slackermom. Apparently some copycat wannabe is impersonating me at Wordpress. I had to settle for being The Antimother. monet said November at am Hey tigereye I m thinki! ng of moving. Do I know monet . org Theme Ambiru by Phu .


Another site recomended to review: nazanas75 ( )

I haven't gotten much done recently. I don't care. I've pretty much been doing nothing to speak of.

Feel free to read: yuriart ( )

Friday, 16 November 2007

Odnonik permanentny do Bonek and Sava 20071114084221

Studio filmowe gdzie w Polsce. Jeste re yserem No jestem. Z ca ym szacunkiem ale bez przesady. Specjalizuj si w reklam wkach i reality show. To troch nie moja liga. Czasy tego wymagaj a nam za to p ac . Daj ci termin do jutra na przygotowanie zarysu fabu y. Wiele si dzieje w Polsce i na wiecie. We gazety do r ki poszukaj na necie czego innego ni pornole Do cholery. A teraz spadaj i pami taj e masz czas do jutra. To samo miejsce i osoby. Co kiepsko wygl dasz popi e Tylko troch ca noc ogl da em filmy. Przerobi em kino moralnego niepokoju i wszystkie produkcje Zanussiego. Wtedy faktycznie poczu em potrzeb napicia si . Gdy zdrzemn em si na Szczurze z Englertem mia em sen. Chyba o Bonnie i Clyde. Niewiele z niego pami tam ale to nieistotne. Zamieniam si w s uch. Dzieje si gdzie w Polsce. Jest bezrobotny tu a si bez celu. W og lnym zarysie pokazujemy e by y to tak naprawd bezwarto ciowe raporty. Nikogo nie skrzywdzi . Niespecjalnie na razie mnie zain! teresowa e ale m w dalej. No wi c ten facet jest wybitnym fachowcem od bycia urz dnikiem pa stwowym. Dostaje propozycje obj cia wysokiego stanowiska. Wtedy zaczyna si nagonka. Wyci gaj mu brudy sprzed lat. On t umaczy wyja nia. Mamy wi c dramat by ego agenta. R wnolegle obserwujemy losy m odej kobiety kt ra dopiero wchodzi w wiat wielkiej polityki. Jest pe na idea w i wiary w ludzi. To w a nie jest przyczyn jej zguby. Zostaje zba amucona przez przystojnego agenta. Tego starego pryka Oczywi cie e nie jest to nasz pierwszy bohater ale r wie nik kobiety. Cyniczny karierowicz bez skrupu w. wyrywa pi ra papudze owija ta m klej c chomika. Widz nie b dzie mia w tpliwo ci e jest z y i zab jczo przystojny. Rozkochuje w sobie niczego nie wiadom kobiet . Ta lepo mu ufa. Opowiada mu o swoich marzeniach celach. Jest w cudowny spos b naiwnie urocza. Czekam na pointe No wi c ten agent wykorzystuj bezwzgl dnie jej mi o . Wszystko po to by zas u y na awans. Nic go nie o! bchodzi e z ama jej nie tylko serce ale te karier . Pointa Zaczynam t raci cierpliwo . Widzi pan ju zarys dramatu Niespecjalnie. Ona t umaczy si i p acze on wyja nia i te p acze. Tak chlipi c wpadaj przypadkiem na siebie na korytarzu sejmowym. Przez zy patrz sobie w oczy. Mi o wybucha gwa townie. Bior si za r ce i z podniesionymi g owami id w kierunku wiat a. Pompatyczna muzyka ci cie Hmmm. I co okej Wprowad do scenariusza z ych bli niak w a mo e to kupi . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS . You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.


Another site recomended to review: OBI ( )

I've just been sitting around not getting anything done. Today was a complete loss. More or less nothing exciting happening recently, but what can I say? My mind is like a void. I haven't gotten anything done today. I've basically been ! doing nothing to speak of, but I don't care.

Feel free to read: download music ( )

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

The study found that the men were more likely to report that they drank and used drugs during sex

The study found that the men were more likely to report that they drank and used drugs during sex and that their female partners also were involved in other sexual relationships, Reuters Health reports. "Lexi-Comp® ONLINE for Community Pharmacy is a useful drug information resource for community pharmacists. It is designed for easy use, it is updated daily, and it supports community pharmacy's goal of providing medication therapy management services," says Winnie Landis, President of APhA and a community pharmacist. "This new product expands the breadth of drug information resources provided to members by APhA in collaboration with Lexi-Comp, and it is why Lexi-Comp is the official drug reference of APhA." Lexi-Comp® ONLINE for Community Pharmacy includes the following databases and modules: Infant Cough And Cold ProductsCVS / pharmacy is removing oral over-the-counter (OTC) infant cough and cold medicines from its stores as part of the Consumer Healthcare Products Association's (CHPA) voluntary withdrawal of these products.Over-the-counter children's cough and cold medicine is safe and effective when used as directed. CHPA has announced the voluntary withdrawal of oral OTC infant cough and cold products due to rare instances of misuse leading to overdose, particularly involving infants under the age of two.Effective immediately, CVS/pharmacy will remove from its stores all products subject to this voluntary withdrawal, as well as any CVS/pharmacy Brand equivalents. A block is being placed in our point-of-sale system to prevent sales of these items and all affected product is being removed from our store shelves. Customers who purchased any of these products at CVS/pharmacy may return them for a full refund.Customers should discuss with their CVS pharmacist or t! heir children's pediatrician alternative methods that are available for treating cough and cold symptoms in children under the age of two."The health and safety of our customers and their children is our highest priority," said Mike Bloom, Senior Vice President of Merchandising at CVS/pharmacy. "We support this voluntary action because CHPA is dedicated to ensuring the safety of healthcare products on the market and their members are some of our most trusted suppliers."The voluntary product withdrawal does not affect infant and children's pain relievers, single-ingredient analgesics and nasal spray, drops or rubs for infants, or cough and cold medicines for children ages two and above. - Lexi-Drugs®, which contains multiple fields of information presented alphabetically such as Adverse Reactions, Dosing, Drug Pricing, FDA Special Alerts, and trade names from 125 countries - Pediatric Lexi-Drugs®, which contains detailed guidelines compiled by pediatric specialists and up to 40 fields of information per monograph, including detailed neonatal and pediatric dosing - Geriatric Lexi-Drugs®, which contains extensive information on drug interactions and drug dosing in the elderly - Lexi-Interact, a complete drug and herbal interaction analysis program that reviews a patient's entire regimen, identifies potential interactions, and provides appropriate patient management steps - Lexi-Drug ID, a tool that provides quick identification of unknown medications based on imprint, dosage form, shape, and color - Adult-PALS and Pediatric-PALS, which are patient advisory leaflets written at a user-friendly reading level, organized in a format ideal for patient counseling, and available in up to 18 languages Other tools in Lexi-Comp® ONLINE for Community Pharmacy are a calculations module and databases on poisoning and toxicology, laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures, and natural products. "We have tailored this product offering to provide community pharmacists with the key information they need to help improve medication safety, streamline their workflow processes, and ultimately ensure positive patient outcomes," said Steven Kerscher, President and COO for Lexi-Comp, Inc. "We are pleased to once again be collaborating with APhA to provide pharmacy professionals with trusted drug information," Kerscher added. Lexi-Comp® ONLINE for Community Pharmacy can be accessed with the purchase of a single user license. (More than one pharmacist in the same pharmacy would have access, but only one person at a time.) APhA members who order the product through the APhA Web site,, receive a 5% discount on the annual license fee. A free 30-day trial is also available. Pharmacists should go to , click on Shop APhA, and then click on Lexi-Comp Products and Lexi-Comp ONLINE. Since 1978, Lexi-Comp® has been providing the health care community with high-quality, affordable, and portable drug information references, available electronically and in print. Today more than 500,000 clinicians rely on Lexi-Comp for critical information on prescribing, administering, and monitoring medications. APhA and Lexi-Comp have been collaborating in the pharmacy market since 1991. The American Pharmacists Association, founded in 1852 as the American Pharmaceutical Association, represents more than 60,000 practicing pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, student pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and others dedicated to improving medication use and advancing patient care. APhA is the first established and largest professional association of pharmacists in the United States. APhA members provide care in all practice settings, including community pharmacies, hospitals, long-term-care facilities, managed care organizations, hospice settings, and the military.

Another site recomended to review: med info gold news pharmacy ( )

Today was a loss. What can I say? Oh well. I've just been letting everything happen without me these days. Not that it matters. I guess it doesn't bother me.

Feel free to read: memphis doctor buy tablet ( ! )


We look forward to serving your banking needs. GreenPoint releases WebCharts D . New version offers enhanced charts maps gauges and design capabilities. to the browsers and mobile devices. who require robust data visualization capabilities in their solutions. A guide to the neighborhood and real estate market of Williamsburg and Brooklyn. Streets are full of children and parents walking to the nearby schools and plenty of gourmet food shops and restaurants. The whole atmosphere is very upbeat. or a particularly hip district of Seattle. North th Street demarcates the two neighborhoods with Williamsburg to the south and Greenpoint to the north. are more common in general. are condo buildings catering to first time buyers. s apartments all have two bedrooms. Busta Rhymes recently bought a million dollar plus apartment at Broadway an old musical instrument factory. specifically the farther you go east toward Bushwick or north into Greenpoint. Expect prices and rents to! keep climbing as young singles and artists are joined by traditional first time buyers. That means larger apartments are more in demand. Pour over stats and pit one neighborhood against another. schools transportation public safety and more. Classic old school Italian with plenty of spirit. chef Caroline Fidanza has a dexterous hand. Crowd pleasing menu of bistro dishes like coq au vin and cassoulet at gentle prices. s homey vibe and excellent pastries. between Grand and Powers Sts. Steak for one steak for two steak for four and creamed spinach. Trendy Williamsburg Mexican spot with a lively bar scene. The famed brewery opens its doors to drinkers once a week. th Street between Berry St. someplace to wear that cheap old t shirt and expensive new haircut. s part bar part lounge part performance space. A mandatory NYC pitstop for touring bands. hip crowd nightly live music. s Candy has all your favorite treats. is filling the void felt by Billyburg nightcrawlers. Stuffed wit! h stylish lightly used downtown essentials and groovy vintage pieces. Hipsters flock here for old rock electronic jazz and yes even country music recordings. A unique home store featuring merchandise from artisans all over the world. A weekly guide to entertainment. An extensive resource guide for Brooklynites with everything from nightclub listings to transit info to lost pet announcements. s guide to restaurants shops services and entertainment with kids. Monthly newsletter with event listings and bulletin boards. Somewhat sparse guide to restaurants churches legal services etc. Quite a group of scandals for a little working class neighborhood on the Newtown Bay. Com closed down after years of operation. per month and became famous for its interactive bulletin board known as The White Wall. Someday we hope to have more time to dedicate to the site again. re gearing up again to bring you some of the great content we used to. ll keep the contact down to a minimum. Please stop back often to watch it develop. The White Wall was the first interac! tive bulletin board in Greenpoint. It was quite unique and really popular. It brought many old Greenpointers back together and even helped a few high school sweethearts reunite and marry. It also caused the people who ran it to get into quite a few problems not to mention the lawsuits. Return often and see how it goes. It was the first book published about Greenpoint in over years. A ton of them were sold and given away to WTG contributors. Today the book is actually in the reference material of the main Greenpoint library and the main Brooklyn Library headquarters. However we have seen them on e Bay going for quite a few bucks. Perhaps the owners of multiple copies of the book will put them up for sale on e Bay again. Images of Greenpoint found around the Internet. s researched from days gone by. A matching column test of Greenpoint facts.


Feel free to review Adults Acne Rosacea site: Acne Rosacea in Adults ( ) about Acne.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Slow Housing Market Drags Home Depot 3Q

percent drop in third quarter profits Tuesday as the deteriorating housing market put a crimp on home renovations. Home Depot said it earned . billion or cents a share for the three months ending Oct. compared with a profit of . billion or cents a share for the same period a year ago. We are facing a tough environment as housing indicators continue to deteriorate. Our financial performance in the third quarter reflects these tough conditions Blake said in a statement. Revenue in the quarter dropped . billion compared with . billion the same period a year ago and fell short of analyst expectations of . For the first nine months of the year Home Depot said it earned . a share compared with a profit of . a share a percent drop. Nine month revenue fell . billion compared with . billion recorded in the same period a year ago. The fiscal earnings per share outlook reflects weeks and does not include the impact of the rd week. This material may not be publ! ished broadcast rewritten or redistributed.


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Monday, 12 November 2007

Aphrodisiacs Through the Ages

Answers and questions regarding sale uk viagra. Almost everything edible was at one time or another. Aphrodisiac recipes have been cooked up throughout the world for millennia. Spices mainly pepper were important in aphrodisiac recipes. An aphrodisiac as we use the term today is something that inspires lust. But until recently there was little distinction between sexual desire and function. Any lack of lust potency or fertility would have a common cure in an aphrodisiac. Galen s theories were not the only basis for concocting aphrodisiacs. This was based on an arcane philosophy called the doctrine of signatures. Oysters may have come to be known as an aphrodisiac only by their resemblance to female genitals. Few old medical texts listed oysters as an aphrodisiac although literary allusions to that use are plentiful. Parts of the skink a kind of lizard were thought to be an aphrodisiac for centuries. It s hard to say why exactly but three different ancien! t authors make the claim. Some aphrodisiacs came out of mythology. Thomas Aquinas a th century friar also wrote a bit on aphrodisiacs. Like Galen he thought aphrodisiac foods had to produce vital spirit and provide good nutrition. So meat considered the heartiest food was an aphrodisiac. Drinking wine produced the vital spirit.


Another site recomended to review: eettuu34 ( )

I've just been letting everything pass me by recently, but eh. Oh well. My life's been really boring recently.

Feel free to read: Acne ( )

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Lions for Lambs For most of us its a daytoday tussle living paycheck to paycheck and esoteric issues like joint and several liability

Today thanks to tort reform they are fairer for business. Ordinary people are out of luck. Alvin made no complaint as Carla Jean pointed out those doctors had saved his life. But then in Alvin got some lab tests with disturbing results. He d been having kidney stones and now his prostate specific antigen test showed an elevated score. His family doctor was worried enough to send him to a urologist and that is when the trouble started. Don t worry Alvin recalls the doctor telling him. Kidney stones can elevate your PSA. It was up again to from . He called his urologist who a little more brusquely told him not to worry. But Alvin couldn t stop worrying. In November he got it checked again now his level was . Then he got all excited Alvin says of his doctor who immediately ordered a biopsy. Right away the doctor put him on daily medication and a injection three times a year. The money wasn t a big problem Alvin had insurance but he couldn t help stewing a! bout his predicament. If he d caught it earlier it wouldn t have been in my bones Alvin says. I ll tell you what upset me so much he says today. Other than that I was in pretty good health. We had a ranch out in the country goats and cattle. He didn t give me the opportunity to make the decision of what to do with my life. Personally Alvin had always been against lawsuits. I think there are too many frivolous lawsuits he says. But you ought to have the right to sue if you ve been wronged. Kelly had good news and bad news. The good news was in her opinion that Alvin had definitely been the victim of malpractice. Is this something you are ready to sign on for she asked. Alvin was surprised that someone who seemed as sharp as Kelly could be so misinformed. I voted for it he said. You voted for it Kelly asked eyeing him levelly. He was proud of it. A cap struck him as more than fair. His soon to be attorney gave him a sad patient smile. Otherwise the cap on no! neconomic damages for a retired person with no income amounted to only . Medical expenses are not subject to the cap. And with the damages capped there was little to no incentive for insurance companies to settle. Once upon a time the purpose of tort law was to make injured people whole. When Alvin Berry heard this news he felt utterly betrayed. I felt the whole thing had been misrepresented he says now. We d voted on something and we really didn t know what the facts were. Alvin decided to go ahead with the suit. Central casting couldn t have done better. Whenever he spoke slowly in soft equitable tones the other men all middle aged listened raptly. As a result we tend not to be engaged. My concern was and is that issues like this need to be engaged by the average person. People didn t understand why their wages were depressed. They didn t understand why their job opportunities were fewer. They didn t understand why the economy was not as robust as it would otherwise be. But outside this cozy scene there are those who would str! ongly disagree. It s almost impossible to go too far when it comes to demonizing lawyers. TLR isn t trying to make sure the justice system favors defendants as its critics have claimed. Mark Lanier fresh from his . They re entrepreneurial everywhere but the legal system. They don t have a clue what it s like to be stepped on by a rich snot. Then in Sylvia sought treatment for the first time and with the help of antidepressants was reborn. She had been vomiting all night and was frightened. He gave Sylvia morphine to help her rest. The next thing Karen knew the nurses were saying her mother could go home. She didn t see how. Sylvia was barely conscious from the drugs. We will help you get her into the car they told her. After that you re on your own. Karen was reassured when her mother chatted a little during the ride. At home she said she d be fine alone she just wanted to sleep. But when Karen got back to her own house and tried to call her mother there was! no answer. She had been there for nine hours too sick to reach the p hone. As soon as Karen helped Sylvia up thick grainy blood started pouring out of her nose and mouth. Sylvia Fuller died before the paramedics could arrive. Two EKGs revealed an irregular heart rate. No one had mentioned either finding to Karen or her mother at the hospital. But she was the only patient in there. One employee had been watching TV Karen had told him. So with his sister David began looking for a lawyer. They saw the first one last December. Trying such cases was simply not cost effective for the lawyer or the client. It s an assault on those who are the most vulnerable one plaintiff s attorney told me. It s almost legal malpractice to take those cases. David contacted about fifteen lawyers and was turned down by all of them. You and your family deserve better from the Texas government. The lawyer suggested that David contact a citizens advocacy group and state officials. So that s what he did. It described Texas s great success in limiting friv! olous lawsuits and reducing medical malpractice rates. Please let us know if we may assist you in the future the letter ended. The letter made him more determined than ever to find a lawyer. So far he s had no luck. If a really mean trial lawyer had a case in the right courtroom he would break you. Insurance companies would settle anything for higher and higher amounts rather than go to a stacked court. Public attitudes in those days were more sympathetic to consumers and injured people than to corporate defendants. billion verdict Jamail had won for Pennzoil against Texaco to stand. Justice for Sale the segment was titled. Corporate America fought back decrying a crisis in litigation. It was in this atmosphere in that Dick Weekley decided he had had enough. They formed Texans for Lawsuit Reform styling themselves as outsiders refusing to go along to get along. Suddenly the trial lawyers weren t laughing anymore. There was a new governor too George W. Bush who! had defeated Ann Richards in by sticking to four issues one of which was tort reform. Lay did not mention Enron s long history of pipeline safety violations. Still there were enough Democrats in high places that TLR didn t get everything it wanted. Of course the punitive damages are not what compensates somebody for their loss says Weekley. It s just pure money. What s this next session gonna do to me Lanier asked. Hey don t worry Perry told him. We ve gone as far as we need to. That of course did not turn out to be accurate. Go ahead and lose the commission if there are going to be problems with the house he said. Because your time will be better spent on someone else. If you screw me I m gonna come back on ya. The salesman for KB one of the nation s largest homebuilders promised that the house would be just fine. So Brian and his fianc e Stephanie signed the contract and thrilled became first time homeowners. They were just two young kids and years old respectively without much education or money to throw around. Porcelain sk! inned Stephanie had finished high school and was looking forward to life as a homemaker and a mom. Brian felt they had bought for their hard earned a piece of the American dream. Dream home and all that. We were so damn excited Stephanie told me. But the trouble started even before they moved in. Groundbreaking was delayed and then construction was erratic. But those were small problems compared with the one that took place on moving day. Brian could pry bricks out of their mortar on exterior walls and shingles flipped up in the wind. Eventually Brian demanded a meeting with KB. He was stressed to the max he wanted KB to buy the house back from him. I don t want to live there anymore he told them. The representative laughed in his face and told him to go ahead. Why you may wonder didn t Brian sue KB Because his contract prohibited him from doing so. It required him to seek binding arbitration instead of redress in the civil courts. I always thought it was your! constitutional right to sue people Brian said. But we couldn t sue K B. Like victims of medical malpractice homeowners have seen their access to the courthouse curtailed. TLR did not endorse or lobby for this bill. Brian didn t want to go to arbitration. He couldn t afford an attorney. Instead he decided to make good on his initial threat In January he launched kbhomesucks. Almost immediately he was swamped with e mails from people claiming to have been harmed by the company. Attached was a copy of a million lawsuit filed against someone else who had tried to take on KB. I took that as a threat Brian told me. Still Brian contacted the lawyer and requested a meeting with KB s director of customer service. For a moment peace appeared to be at hand. But then Brian asked for in moving expenses and for reimbursement of his down payment. KB said it would not exchange any cash with him until the house sold. That was a deal breaker for Brian so as he put it the deal broke. Stephanie had a miscarriage that spring. He had the persistent ! feeling he was being watched. Finally in September Brian sued KB in state court for harassment. Among the claims against Brian was an accusation of cyber squatting for misusing the KB name. The ruling came too late for Brian and Stephanie who by then had let the bank take their house. This is hell on earth that s what it is Stephanie said. THE YEARS BETWEEN and were frustrating for TLR. Its candidate Dale Wainwright won. The lesson was that you didn t cross TLR. Support from plaintiff s lawyers is a campaign issue Trabulsi told me solemnly. But by TLR s years in the wilderness were over. Once a plaintiff s paradise the court in and was finding for plaintiffs in only percent of its cases. Once the lobbyist was dispatched the TMA s new leadership refused to engage with the trial lawyers at all. Nixon curtly informed the TTLA that there was a new sheriff in town and things went downhill from there. The concern was the train was going so fast no one could stop it M! ark Lanier told me. Their pleas for exceptions to the cap fell on dea f ears. What about nursing home patients who were injured Nope. What if the doctor was proven to be drunk Still no. TLR spokesman Hoagland told me with barely contained outrage My guys were there for civic virtue. We are not divorced from the legislative process. The House passed the bill . Plaintiff s lawyers front all expenses and get reimbursed and paid a fee only if the client wins. He also included language that allowed the cap to be stretched to and even in rare situations. It was a piecemeal dismantling and sale of our civil justice system. They called the law a speculative experiment to determine whether liability insurance rates will decrease. But by that Democratic court and the Democratic Texas it operated in was long gone. Trabulsi suggested that no one in his right mind would take that possibility seriously but retired U. As of June polls showed that percent of Texans favored letting legislators limit lawsuits with just percent opposed. Twenty years! of lawyer bashing had taken its toll. In the past Hankinson had supported needed tort reform and continues to do so and accepted TLR contributions. Meanwhile special interest groups had gained unprecedented control of the Legislature. This tort reform went too far she told me. I don t consider this to be reform. I view this as something that deprives people of their constitutional rights. One group was missing in action trial lawyers. To make this program work we must vow to not communicate with the public. NO LAWYERS NO EXCEPTIONS. Within weeks the arguments about court access began to have an effect. Particularly troubling were advertisements in print and on television that put the cap for noneconomic damages at . If we d had another week we could have cleaned their clock Hankinson told me. senator Sam Brownback of Kansas was just leaving as I arrived. They brought back the small aircraft industry Brownback assured me. After he left I asked the quartet what! exactly they had done in Kansas. Ah nothing one of the members said. He was speaking generically about tort reform. It might seem that after the sweeping reforms there is little left for TLR to do. Ashley s father Xavier a corrections officer also suffered some brain damage and needed plastic surgery. P Operating Partners the owners of the convenience store. The decision was based on anti drunk driving laws passed years before the change in proportionate liability. The assertion that legislators didn t know what they were saying he says was sophistry. There are other areas of the law that TLR would like to see reformed. According to its latest press kit the group is intent on upgrading the qualifications required to serve on juries. And we believe sometimes that doesn t happen. Several recent studies on the other hand make you wonder whether there was ever a litigation crisis at all. They studied resolved malpractice claims from to relying on data from the Texas Department of Insurance. Furthermore malpractice claims made up less ! than one percent of total health care expenditures in Texas. In short nothing changed much in fourteen years except that insurance company profits doubled. And the promised results of tort reform have not occurred Malpractice insurance reductions have been less than . percent since and the hoped for return of doctors to underserved areas has not taken place. The institute found in fact that the number of lawsuits in the U. actually dropped percent in the decade prior to the tort reform year of . But as so often is the case in politics the wronged side overreached. And lose Mark Lanier adds. Maybe that s the point. Brian Zaltsberg for one is going down fighting. As soon as he finishes college he plans to attend law school. Lions for Lambs For most of us it s a day to d.


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Nothin g seems worth thinking about, but that's how it is. My mind is like a complete blank, but I don't care. Not that it matters.

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Friday, 9 November 2007

Power Light District opens today with a sports saloon The Kansas City Star

PM reprint or license print email Digg it del. Work continued this week. And the tenants keep coming. Kansas City is really on a roll. So far the dominoes are continuing to fall exactly as we want them to. It has entertainment retail night life and residential components. McFadden s Sports Saloon which is to open for dinner at p. today faces Grand Boulevard between th and th streets directly across from the arena. The square foot operation features a wide open space with three bar areas high ceilings dark woods and HDTVs. A sister restaurant Vinino is scheduled to open Nov. just north of McFadden s in a square foot space. It also will serve small plates. It will even offer Poitin described as a legal version of Irish moonshine. Raglan Road also will feature two specially built bars being handcrafted in Ireland from salvaged antique Irish pub materials. owner of Raglan Road. The square foot space also will have two outdoor seating areas. Nolan has ope! ned hundreds of Irish pubs across the world including Siberia and Japan. Next page To reach Joyce Smith call or send e mail to jsmithkcstar.


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My life's been basically boring today. Not much on my mind recently. My mind is like a complete blank, but maybe tomorrow.

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Tuesday, 6 November 2007

welcoming the week

I think I may join this ornament swap. Sign up through Friday. So please check back . mapping the way show opens . for mapping the way show at artstream artesprit . cake and pie . design sponge left column around the web early mid Aug. The University of Kansas painting and drawing. I m an artist and arts instructor. my work combines representation. my website View my complete profile . this weeks inspiring interesting creative people Karin eddy and edwina Perfectbound blog opening . It feels nice to have my work on it s way to ne. Pay it Forward continues. sweet tart chalks re discoveries Some more new drawings for the Mapping the w. last night walking home through the park after. for Mapping the way show at Artstream.


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I've just been hanging out doing nothing. Such is life. That's how it is. So it goes.

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Sunday, 4 November 2007

Tips for Easing Chronic Heartburn

It can be so painful that many people dread eating a meal in fear of having heartburn afterwards. The foods that you eat can make this condition worse but it is not the necessarily caused by food. The symptoms of chronic heartburn occur most often when you lie down or when you bend over. Sometimes you can be standing or sitting when it happens. Skipping meals is not a good idea because this contributes to overeating at your next meal. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS . You can leave a response or trackback from your own site.


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My mind is like a fog. I guess it doesn't bother me. I've just been letting everything pass me by recently. I've pretty much been doing nothing , but eh! . I can't be bothered with anything recently, not that it matters.

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Saturday, 3 November 2007


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Friday, 2 November 2007


Com at the UN headquarters on Thursday. We talked to them. We meet with them. We travel constantly to India. We do not want to be a problem. They are just curious if this is going to be good or bad he said. Jones said there has been no attempt ever not to show the information it has. Everything we have we show. As soon as we get data we publish it. We buy satellite data. We buy airplane data. That is what we show in Google earth all the date we have got so far Jones said. Madhavan Nair had expressed concern over high resolution images available on Google Earth. I think our defense agencies should be worried about it. They have to work out some method by which we can do something . We need not display anything he was quoted as saying.


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I've more or less been doing nothing worth mentioning. My life's been basically unremarkable these days. I feel like a void. Oh well. I don't care.

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Thursday, 1 November 2007

Newscom Extra NASA scrambles to repair space station CNET

It s a new office. auto sales weaken Oil near but off new highs on U. Hokies dominate hapless Georgia Tech No. If you d like to submit an item please contact us . Videos and other documentation of the brain eating reanimated corpses are flooding the Web. Once upon a time the invasion was contained within the confines of Hollywood and uh Haiti. Now they ve spread to other places. The strike the Air Force reports with great understatement was successful. Mobile broadband speed internet access for only . Eric Clapton s unmistakable guitar riff can be heard on a scratchy recording of the nanoradio s output. Plus the first passengers tell all. Now even your nether regions can express contempt for the RIAA. But typing the text opens doors for spammers. They did but no one checked.


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Not much on my mind to speak of. Basically nothing seems worth bothering with. I just don't have much to say lately.

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