Tuesday, 14 April 2009

The Concept of Fertility Treatment

The Concept of Fertility Treatment

The term fertility treatment suggests a treatment to improve the fertility or egg production in women who would like to bring a new child into the world. This term originated from a condition known as infertility, where, a man and woman who are in a loving relationship are unable to reproduce naturally. However, this is the scientific aspect; the social implications of infertility are very drastic and tend to cause major problems within a relationship. Infertility often creates high levels of stress within relationships. The inability of the female in the relationship to conceive or give birth to a healthy child, more often than not creates very stressful conditions for both partners. This results in an adverse change in behaviour in both partners and also creates great upheaval in both personal and working life of both parties.

The Situation at Present

Infertility is no longer a new issue for couples who are planning to start a family; however the progress in the field of fertility treatment has been rather sporadic and slow even by the modern standards of advanced health
treatments. The advances or lack of, are not unrelated to the ever increasing cases of infertility among people today. We are just unable to gather enough information to help us calculate the precise situation; this is because of the huge amount of cases of infertility which are never reported. However, the amount of cases of infertility in people today appears to be on the increase. Major lifestyle changes make people more susceptible to being plagued by infertility: quite often this illness, and it is an illness, is self-inflicted. The foods which many couples eat are just one problem; they do not eat enough nutritional content which is required for healthy living. Our bodies are under enormous threat from a great deal of outside influences, pollution throughout the world is on the increase, habit forming problems such as alcohol consumption and drugs, also work related stress, all of which contribute to the causes of infertility and other life changing illness.

Infertility from a Medical Point of View.

Infertility can affect either or both parties in any relationship. The treatments required for infertility, are gender specific and will vary with each patient’s case history. There are a number of tests which can be carried out, such as hysterosalpingogram or (HSG) which is an important basic test for infertility, or postcoital test (PC test) which is also known as (sims) and must be carried out within one to two days of ovulation, each of which will help to give clear analysis of the patients illness.

After the tests have been completed, the treatment for infertility will consider any and all cures, any of these can entail a number of different procedures which will depend on the requirements of the patient and the analysis gained from the tests. Drugs such as Clomid which is used to induce ovulation and is usually the first choice of any doctor in the treatment of infertility, it will also usually be suggested to the male partner to use cold packs to help cool the testicles. These are just a few basic examples, however, only a professional infertility expert can suggest exact fertility cures.

Exercise and other complimentary treatments

Apart from the use of medical fertility treatments there are also other things which will be suggested to compliment the ongoing treatment. These complimentary suggestions will be things such as, daily nutrition intake, maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Stress is a major contributing factor to a lot of illness not least infertility, therefore stress must be dealt with immediately.

The Broader Outlook

Infertility is quite an emotional experience for all concerned and deserves to be closely scrutinised by everyone concerned with the subject. Many people are afraid to admit to be suffering from infertility, which is a real shame as there is treatment and support available from many outlets. Having to experience infertility treatment is quite a difficult exercise and entails quite a stressful and emotional time for both partners; the process can be made more difficult by people’s ignorance of the facts, and the lack of medical research.
James McLean Bowie is an author and book dealer who resides in East yorkshire England. He owns a number of web sites which offer articles and resources to writers, collectors and the hobbyist. Two of these sitres are http://jamesbowiebooks.com and http://bowiebooks.com .

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